September-October 2017

September-October 2017

September-October 2017


Here is the link to my current prayer letter.  Thanks for your continued prayers and support!

Dear Friends,

Thank you so very much for your continued prayers over the last several months.  I have truly been blessed by them and greatly appreciate them.   

The last two months have been filled with wonderful opportunities to serve God, share the gospel with others, teach, and prepare for ministry in the coming months.  September quieted down slightly as missions group season has passed here at New Life Children’s Home, but if you know me, you know that means I am going to go out hunting, finding some way to impact eternity each day.   Throughout September as I continued to focus on Spanish, God gave me understanding in a few areas of language I had been struggling with through the summer.  I am thankful for the struggle, because there is no doubt in my mind that understanding came not from my own potential and hard work, but through God’s help.  

I have been so blessed to live here at New Life Children’s Home, be a part of their ministries, and to be given the opportunity to become involved in the lives of the children here.  As my schedule freed up this month I was able to spend more time with the children and workers in the home.  I was able to help with homework, comfort tears and fears, and love on the children.  God’s not only used me in different ways in their lives, but He has used them in mine.    

Over the past few months I have also had more opportunities to minister with the children and youth at the church, and I have begun making my way around town each day, sitting in parks and areas studying, but also forming relationships and talking with people from around town.  With the seemingly quieter schedule I have also focused on developing a Bible memory program for this upcoming summer called “Treasure Hunters.”  The program is totally in Spanish, written to fit the culture and needs down here.  The plan is that the children at New Life Children’s Home will participate in the Treasure Hunters Program this coming summer (January and February).  Not only is it great experience for me in writing in Spanish, teaching in Spanish and developing a type of curriculum, but as we work through the kinks and through the program, it will allow us to use it in other areas of ministry in the area.

This past winter as I was making plans to head to the country of Peru, I mentioned that I would be in Peru for approximately 6 months as my visa allowed and then return to the States for 2 months to continue raising my needed support, and then head back down to Peru.   That is exactly what has happened.   In the beginning of October I came back to Michigan and began speaking at several different churches and events, continuing to raise my support.  During this time I have seen at least 1 more church take me on for support.  I had the opportunity to lead a young girl to Christ after church one Sunday and the opportunity to share the gospel with several people.  I was also given the chance to go on the teen fall retreat with Midland Baptist Church, to help run some games, and underground church activity (giving young people a better picture of the struggles of church and ministry in a closed country).  I also got to speak during the girls’ split session on the topic of “Stress, Anxiety, and Panic Attacks.”  So many young people and older people today struggle with these issues and rarely are they talked about.  For months I had been studying the topics out, seemingly for this moment.  God did amazing things that weekend and it was a joy to be a part of it.  

Please continue praying as I travel here in the States to raise more support and then travel back to Peru at the end of November to not only continue with the ministries I had been involved with but become involved with new areas of ministry as my Spanish has increased.                                           ~Pam Drout~


~ Another church has taken me on for support.

~The salvation of the young lady in church.

~The opportunity to speak about stress, anxiety and panic attacks, and the responses of teens who acknowledged they need help.

Prayer Requests

~ Money to come in towards a car, and my support to increase so I can minister more effectively.

~ The Treasure Hunters Program books to be finished quickly.

~ Opportunities to minister to others to abound.