May – June Newsletter

May – June Newsletter


Ministry is in full swing here in Peru at New Life Children’s Home and New Life Baptist Church as missions-group season has come upon us.  During missions-group season I not only keep up with my regular ministries in the church, school, neighborhoods and at the Home, but also jump in spending time with the groups and ministering with them as my schedule allows.  I am so very thankful to Mike and Chelene Kennedy for allowing me to work with them in the ministry here.

May started off slowly as I was just getting back on my feet after a three-week long battle with mononucleosis.  I praise God it didn’t last much longer than that, as it can affect a person for months.  The moment my energy returned, I dove head first into as much as possible (with a little bit of wisdom of course,) making up for “lost time.”  Through April I managed to be up long enough to teach my kids’ classes at the church and in Manchay, but I did not have the energy for much else.  In may I poured myself back into the people around me in ways I couldn’t while I was sick.  Oh I had missed it!

In April both my Wednesday night kids’ class and my kids’ Bible study in Manchay began a new curriculum studying through different doctrines in the Bible.  So many of my kids either go to private schools where other doctrine is taught, or attend the Bible studies held by many different churches (each group offering activities, games and cookies,) and I wanted to be sure my kids knew what they believed and had Bible verses to back it up.  In April we started with the theme of the Bible, taking ten weeks to cover ten different statements of doctrinal truth and ten of the Bible verses where we get these statements regarding God’s Words.  I had several kids who worked very diligently memorizing all ten statements of doctrine and all ten verses, so in the middle of June we had an awards night to celebrate all their hard work.

I have to praise God, I now have help with my kids’ Bible study in Manchay.  In May one of the teen girls at New Life Children’s Home asked me if she could come with me that week, and has been faithful in coming every week since.  Then at the beginning of June a young woman in the church no longer worked on Thursdays and she asked as well if she could come with us to help.  The teenager helps with crowd control (35-40 kids can get crazy!), my candy bag, and questions and then the young woman helps with songs, and then after the lesson works a little more in depth with the older kids, helping them memorize the verses and doctrinal statements as well as exploring the theme a little more.   They have both been such a blessing!

Please be praying as we are looking at starting Bible club’s in 2-3 other areas as well.   Pastor David Taza (the pastor at New Life Baptist Church) and I have been praying and talking about some of the different opportunities we have, deciding how many people we would need to help, when and where we could meet, etc.  Please, please, please pray that we could start up these other Bible clubs soon!

Thank you again so much for your prayers and support.  Without them, I KNOW I would be totally ineffective in ministry here.  Thank you so very much.

~Pam Drout~