February 28, 2023 Update

Hello Everyone!

            Sometime in October I was taking part in a Bible study with a group of friends and we were talking about ministering to others.  We had been talking about some of the hinderances in ministry I think and one person commented that we must remember we aren’t in a battle against physical circumstances, but it is a spiritual battle.  It’s one of those things we all know and consider, but that day it struck me as something I needed to focus on.   The topic came up again in other conversations that week, or in books I was reading, or in other ways – and I couldn’t get it out of my head.  

            The last time that I was in the U.S. I had bought several Bible studies for future use including one on the Armor of God.  I dug the workbook out and began to study through it.  As I was studying through it several of the women at the rehab center where I was doing a weekly Bible study and teen girls in the Bible club Manchay began asking about topics clearly related to the spiritual battles we face – things regarding the influence of media in our lives and culture, the influences that different substances have on our bodies and minds, and how to discern truth.   It was clear to me that studying the spiritual battles we face and the armor of God would be helpful in both situations, so through November, December and January we did just that.  

Through our studies there were a couple of ladies who accepted Christ as Savior – recognizing the price of their sin and need of a Savior.  Several others grew in incredible ways; some learning that just as counterfeit money looks like the real thing and not Monopoly money, the lies of Satan will look like truth or will look good and not like outright lies.  Two of the ladies began questioning some of the Buddhist teachings they were being taught at the rehab center and chose to work with a trained Christian psychologist instead (and are doing well).  

            The topic of spiritual battles and the armor of God became very real to me in other ways throughout the last few months as well.  Throughout November and December I was asked to fill in for the last two months of the school year for a teacher in our school who needed to leave.  I was going non-stop each day from 4am until 10pm between teaching and preparing lessons as well as continuing to teach the Bible 6 times a week in different Bible studies and my other responsibilities in the orphanage and my own home.   Throughout November and December I faced battles several battles – from managing expectations (my own as well as those of others), motivation, drive, and exhaustion.   By the end of December when the school year was over my brain shut down.  

            I begged God throughout that time for the energy and focus to study and teach my Bible studies (which had been reduced to 4 a week due to ministries combining for summer break) and He was gracious in giving the ability to, but the moments in between I couldn’t focus on anything.  Reading my Bible was hard. Praying was hard.  I kept at it, but it was hard.  I share this with you because you are my “supporters” – my support, I want you to know I am not a machine and I tire out, but God is gracious and gave me the rest I needed through January to jump back into the battle fully charged.

            But – the theme of the spiritual battle didn’t end.   In February a friend of mine called asking if I would come to his church and help them do VBS, the theme – Christ is my superhero.  He gave me the topics of lessons he wanted, and so the last full week of February I spent my time with kids in another sector of Manchay, several miles from where my Bible club is, talking about the villains we battle in this life including loneliness, anger and fear, and how Christ is always willing to help us when we call upon Him – Cristo Ayudame!  (Christ Help me!)

            The church was under construction so VBS was held a few miles away where the church has been temporarily meeting for awhile.  Because of that the majority of the kids who came were from the neighborhood and were not part of their church or any church.   We fought battles with loud traffic and music, but at the end of the week we saw 14 kids and 2 moms accept Christ as Savior.  A few of the kids showed up for church the next Sunday.

            Thank you all so much for your patience as it has been 4 months since my last news/prayer letter.  Thank you for your continual support and prayers, they really do make a difference.  Please continue praying as next week I travel to the US for a short furlough to update some of the supporting churches I haven’t been to in six years and visit with family.   Be praying also for the rehab center ministry specifically.   They moved locations a few weeks ago to an area over an hour away and we are working to figure out a way to continue working with them.  It is a ministry that has been so very close to my heart and while maybe God only had me in their lives for a short time and a specific purpose, I would still love to continue sharing God’s Word with them.  Thank you.