September 10, 2023 Update

Hello Everyone!

There is an idea that was repeated several times over the years while I was in Bible college: the idea that in the ministry you can’t just be flexible but you must be fluid, able to fit into any container (situation) presented.  I’ve thought about that idea many times over the years but it came to mind and was frequently put into use throughout July and August.   

Piura Trip

In my last letter I mentioned a trip to another part of Peru that some friends and I were going to take at the end of July.   The plan was to participate in some youth events that would occur during the 2 week winter break here, and get the chance to know another part of Peru.   Well, that plan changed, and changed, and then changed again.  My friend was unable to make the trip in July so the plan was then the 2nd week of August, and then the last week of August, and then the first week of September.   The trip has been “solidified” and planned for September 18th… plane tickets purchased, housing arrangements made, and events planned.   For a person who likes to plan ahead for activities and lessons and events for the ministries here having the date so unknown was quite a stretch, but we made it!  (Prayerfully!   As I write this it is still a week away from the trip and God does have a wonderful sense of humor.)

Rio Seco

As I also mentioned in my last letter, several months ago a Bible club (for kids) and Bible study (for moms) was started up in an area called Rio Seco, meeting every other Sunday afternoon.   A church located several hours away had been running the Bible club with our church.  At the end of June power was restored in the area of Rio Seco, and while attendance began to dwindle a little bit because tv’s were back on and kids weren’t as bored, it quickly rose again and we have been averaging about 25-30 kids and 7 women each event.  Sunday, August 20th was International Children’s Day – a big day of celebration here in Peru.   We started off with a few games and then I got to do a 20 minute lesson focused solely on the gospel.  Throughout the activities of the afternoon we had 11 kids and 3 parents acknowledge accepting Christ as Savior and we have been working to follow up with them.  The afternoon ended with a big program of songs, more games, Bible memorization, snacks, and gifts for the kids.  A youth group in WV had donated a bunch of school supplies which came back with me in June.  The church a few hours away then took those supplies and were motivated to add to them, and gift bags of school supplies were handed out to all the kids there that day – approximately 40!

In the weeks since, the church several hours away has turned the Bible club and study over solely to our church.   The kids have stayed faithful even in noticing about half the workers aren’t there anymore, which was a concern.  Please be praying as we continue to minister in Rio Seco and are searching for a safer and more permanent locale where we can meet.   We have been meeting at the end of a street, in front of a house which has a cement curb to sit on, but are looking for a place where we won’t be in the street, can bring in shade, places to sit, and minimize distractions.  

Manchay Teens

In July I finally got the chance to start meeting with my teen girls in Manchay again.  We did have to keep it fluid as school schedules were changing, tutoring and make up classes were being scheduled on weekends and the local school had a Saturday field trip for the teens that kept getting postponed week after week (it would mean no Bible club whatever day it finally happened).   We also found the local soup kitchen we used added new locks on some of the doors but forgot to leave us the keys, so a very enterprising young 5 year old put his small frame to use in burrowing under doors for us to get in the building and unlock it from inside!  (With permission from the caretaker when we called her that first week and then the 2 times it happened afterwards).   The girls and I have enjoyed getting to spend time together, and several of the girls have invited friends who have been faithful to join us each week as we study how to read the Bible for ourselves.   

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers as ministry opportunities about in these areas as well as in the many other areas you have given me the privilege to serve.